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Stock Broker Misconduct Lawyer In Fort Lauderdale Helps Victims of Misconduct Get Justice

You place a lot of trust in a stockbroker when you hire him or her to manage your investment portfolio, because there are inherent risks in any investment. Although the vast majority of stockbrokers are trustworthy, fraud and misconduct do happen sometimes. When a stockbroker commits fraud or misconduct, it can lead to financial catastrophe […]

December 23, 2013 , by Walter Mathews


Thought Development Inc. Charged by the SEC

On September 26, 2013, Thought Development Inc. was charged by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission with defrauding senior investors with high pressure tactics. According the SEC’s press release, TDI sold unregistered company stock to raise capital for their invention. The South Florida-based company, Thought Development Inc., claimed to have developed a technology that creates […]

October 2, 2013 , by Walter Mathews


Big Business Problems Can Happen to Small Businesses Too

Small businesses are not immune to legal challenges that many people think of as “big business” problems. For example, small brokerages can inadvertently run afoul of regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and require legal representation. Or a contract dispute that at first appears simple may end up being quite complicated. At Mathews […]

March 20, 2013 , by Walter Mathews


Business Law Is Rarely Simple: Call a Miami Business Attorney

Even the “simplest” breach of contract case can be time-consuming and complicated. But worldwide internet connectivity is adding new, unforeseen implications to business law, whether it concerns intellectual property, online business reviews, or even social media interaction on sites like Facebook. It’s up to the Miami business attorney, like those at Mathews Giberson, LLP, to […]

January 16, 2013 , by Walter Mathews


What a Miami Business Lawyer Does for Businesses and Individuals

No one can guarantee investment success. In fact, if a financial planner or investment adviser promises unrealistic gains, you should be very wary. However, sometimes investment advice crosses the line, such as when an investment adviser urges clients to buy a stock he or she is actively trying to sell knowing the share price is […]

December 12, 2012 , by Walter Mathews

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